Turnkey Technology Corp. Apps

VRE Train Status 1.5
This app is a tool for riders of the VirginiaRailway Express rail service in the Washington, DC area. Easilyfind trains traveling between your start and end stations and seethe scheduled departure times adjusted for any delays orcancellations. You can also see any alerts that have been issued byVRE.See http://www.turnkey-technology.com/docs/VREMobileUsersGuide.pdffor a full description of this application along with tips on howto use it.The current train status is included in the schedule listing andyou can click on a train in the schedule to view a Google mapzoomed in on the train's current location. You can view a larger,system-wide Google map to see all active trains. Train status isindicated by color (green is on-time, red is delayed). You can alsoclick on a train icon to see a popup that includes the status, nextstation (and current scheduled departure time), the final(terminus) destination station (and current scheduled arrivaltime), and the placard that identifies the locomotive. Thisapplication is a must-have for VRE patrons; no need leave thewarmth (or coolness) of your car just to get to the platform tofind out your train is late; just use this app to monitor thereal-time status and avoid extended waits on the platform. Thisapplication is battery friendly; it doesn't constantly access theinternet to update the train status; simply revisit a page to getthe updated status, or use the menu to refresh the train status.Constructive feedback on this application is welcomed; weanticipate adding more features, driven by requests from VREpatrons.